Thursday, November 28, 2013


And a special thank you to all those who were out on the road today or whose trucker was on the road today.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trucker Thanksgiving

So it's the beginning of the holiday season.  Thanksgiving is tomorrow and we are waiting for our trucker to get home.  Even though I know better, every time I hear he has that load that will get him home in time to get plenty of rest and cleaned up before the holiday I get my hopes up.  So here we are again.  He was supposed to be home in a few hours.  But in the typical trucker life (at least ours - some of you may experience a better version of trucker life and if so I am really happy for you), the load was switched for one that takes longer to complete.  From this side of it, I always have mixed feelings.  I know freight slows down this time of year so every load he can get is a blessing.  But on the flip side, the kids and I really miss him and enjoy that little bit of extra time with him.  Fortunately, the kids are in a pretty good routine so they won't really notice the time missed because Daddy isn't supposed to be home according to that routine.  In addition to the load being changed, then something usually goes wrong which involves a call to road breakdown.  So that whole process extends the time out that much longer.  I was a little irritated by this point, mostly with myself.  I know better than to plan on him being home before he actually walks through that door.  I'm thinking that he's already been told he doesn't have a load for Friday so we will still have some extra time together.  Next thing I know I'm getting the text saying he has a load for Friday.  So what was supposed to be 3 1/2 days of home time has shrunk to 2.   1 of those days is Thanksgiving so it will be spent with extended family.  So in reality we have about 1 day of time together.   I am thankful for those 2 days and very thankful for the money that the loads will bring in, but I am still feeling that frustration of not getting that time with him. We have spent Thanksgiving apart before as I am sure some of you will be doing and my heart really goes out to you as well.  I am sure that I sound ungrateful to those of you away from your families but that is not my  intent.
What is your typical trucker Thanksgiving?  The frustrations/highlights of it?  The parts of it that you wish the non-trucker families would understand?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Trucker Kids - Our Advent Calendar

I just finished making our advent calendar for this year.  I got the idea on pinterest (Find original idea here).  I decided to incorporate the advent wreath and it's symbolism.  So here is what I came up with.
25 toilet paper tubes
3 different patterns of purple 8x11 scrapbook paper (about 3 sheets of each)
1 pattern of pink 8x11 scrapbook paper (2 sheets)
White computer paper (roughly 5 sheets)
black marker
red yarn
green tissue paper (depending on the size of the sheet about 6 sheets)
1 sheet white tissue paper
a cardboard circle to glue everything to
hot glue
strips of paper with age appropriate readings (or stories) and activities printed on them

1.)  Decide what readings or books you are going to use and what activities you would like to do for each day (I keep a master list in a separate place as well)  Type them up and print them out.
2.) Create a label for each week (Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, and we added the Christ "candle" as well).
Print the correct number on the correct color paper (Joy is pink and the Christ one is white).  The first 3 weeks should have 7 each.  Peace I think worked out to be 3.  There is only one for white.
3.) Wrap each toilet paper tube in a quarter sheet of green tissue paper (except for 1 which will be wrapped in the white). Twist and tie with a short piece of the red yarn.  Fill with the slip of paper containing the reading and activity, as well as any treats you want to put it.  Twist and tie off the top.  
4.) Take each label and cut to size and tape into place.  Number accordingly.
5.) Lay out the finished toilet paper tubes on the cardboard circle.  When satisfied with the layout and hot glue into place.
I am going to put it on the table with a centerpiece probably of some fake poinsettias in the center.
Open the tubes on the correct day and enjoy.  :-)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving: a Time to be Grateful

This last month has been a really tough one, but I think we are through at least the illness portion of it.  Buddy really got hit hard this time around, with ear infections in both ears then the croup.  Now its time for Mommy to try and recuperate and get caught up on everything that we are behind on.  A little cleaning therapy never hurt either.

Here is what I am thankful for:

12. Food on the table.
13.  Our readers and followers.
14.  Those who truly support us, allow us to be honest and ourselves without judgment and criticism, and have enough respect for us to not try to control our lives.
15. Freight and the loads, even the ones that intrude onto family time, that pay the bills.
16. For the giving, loving hearts of my children.
17. For Pinterest and all of it's ideas that have brought inspiration to this family and saved us much money.
18.  For the ocean.  There is nothing more calming and soothing then watching the waves, feeling the wind against my face, and feeling the sand between my toes.  Also for all it's symbolism as I watch all my troubles float away beyond the horizon.
19.  For all of the wonderful things I get to see in my husband.  His generosity.  His willingness to help others without getting so much as a thank you in return.  The way he makes time to play with the kids.  His thoughtfulness to me.  His help when he is home.  How hard he works to make sure that we have everything we need.
20.  For all those trials in life that show you who is there standing with you and the way they ultimately make you stronger. 
21.  For God, who even when it seems like he couldn't be further away is actually right beside me.
22.  For all those things that make life beautiful.  A simple flower given by a child, an unexpected blessing, a kind word.
23.  Seeing things through the eyes of a child.  How much joy and excitement the little things in life bring them and reminding me to see those small things and appreciate them.
24.  To be able to experience the joy of giving.  I'm also thankful that we have been able to find ways to increase our giving without putting our limited budget in jeapordy.
25.  For those that actually take the time and ask the questions to truly gain a better understanding of truck driving and the lifestyle it creates. 

What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving season?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Appreciating my Trucker

This time of year tends to be very hard for us.  Not only because freight slows down, but because we both have been going all year and are now burned out.  Trucking is a very stressful and unappreciated industry.  Truckers and their families make many, many sacrifices.  Missing important family moments, missing out on family time in general, the spouses and families can be pushed to the breaking point.  But the general public tends to look down on truckers instead of giving a thank you that they have food, clothes, and everything they need.  Everything tends to get more crazy around the holidays.  I know I personally hate driving in that traffic and am very glad that I don't have to do it for a living.
So for the 25 days of Christmas, I try to have notes of appreciation and things I love about my trucker for him to take with him on the truck.  It isn't much, but it's something to hopefully give him that little bit of encouragement in a very thankless job.  Something to help him get through that last little stretch of time until he can take some time with his family. 

What do you do to show your trucker appreciation while he is out on the road?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful For:

Wow what a week!  Glad to be getting back to some sense of normalcy.  Buddy has had ear infections in both years and they both have been sick.  Combine that with the Colonel getting sick and time with extended family and it's been crazy busy.  Back to what I'm thankful for this week:

5.)  That Buddy was diagnosed quickly so we could help him get better.
6.)  For my kids.
7.)   For the wisdom, love, & experience of our parents.
8.)  For sales, coupons & rewards programs that help me save money.
9.)  For my husband and that he gave me the opportunity to catch up on sleep this weekend.
10.) Cuddle time with Buddy & Princess.
11.) For our routine.

Now I get to enjoy some time with just the kids and I.  After all the crazy, I'm really looking forward to it. 
What are you most thankful for this week?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Giving Thanks

Happy November.  A lot of times I find myself caught up in all the negativity and stress of the moment.  With Thanksgiving approaching I have seen many of my friends on Facebook talking about things they are grateful for.  So for the month of November I will be finding 1 thing for each day to be thankful for.
1- For the gorgeous weather!
2 - Finding Princess good snow boots that were affordable (Better quality then Walmart or Target and less Expensive!) and being given a pair for Buddy
3 - Getting to meet my baby nephew
4- That the Sesame Street blanket was good enough to stop Buddy's crying while his blanket was being washed.  (We are fighting colds again and he has gotten the worst of it)

What are you thankful for?