Saturday, August 24, 2013

Incident at Market Basket

Yesterday Market Basket was stop number 2 of our grocery trip.  We were going one direction down an aisle and there was another person going the other.  Little Buddy was being such a good boy in the seat of the cart.  Then a woman decided to push between the two carts in the aisle rather than wait the minute for the aisle to clear out.  In the process she pinched Buddy's finger hard enough with her cart to give him a black and blue and scrape the skin.  The best part - she couldn't even be bothered to stop, apologize and make sure that he was ok.  I was too busy making sure he was ok and trying to calm him to chase her down but if I had had the opportunity there would have been words.  Poor baby was so traumatized by it that when I had to put him in the seat of the cart at the other stores he cried real tears until we got back to the car.  Made for a really tough shopping trip.  I wish I could say that that was the only customer like that at Market Basket, but it almost happened at least 3 more times.  Many of the customers were pushy and grabby.  To make it better the aisles were filled with product to be stocked onto the shelves at what appears to be a peak shopping time.  I understand that shelves need to be restocked but this was just sitting in the aisle with no employee in site.  When I had to ask for help to find something, I was shocked at the rude response from the employee.  Definitely was not a good shopping trip.  Honestly this is the kind of behavior I would expect on Black Friday, which is exactly why I refuse to shop until the rush is over on that day.  I like a deal when I can get one, but honestly there are only a a handful of products at Market Basket where the deals are better than the other grocery stores in our area.  But it doesn't matter how many deals or how good they are if I have to choose between my child's safety or a deal the choice will always be safety.  Needless to say we won't be going back.

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