Thursday, September 12, 2013

Trucking Kids - Power Outage

Everything happens for a reason and yesterday was one of those days.  Yesterday, Princess had a pretty difficult day.  No matter what I tried she didn't want to listen and she did not want to pick up.  Then the power went out.  Everything was quiet, it was great for me!  Every once in a while it is amazing to get some true silence.  Obviously that doesn't happen often around here.  The kids don't take power outages as well.  Princess isn't quite old enough to understand why the lights won't turn back on.  It was still light out so we got outside and played for a couple of hours.  It was hot so we ended up playing with a hose for about an hour.  So much fun and the change of pace Princess apparently needed.  When she came in she was a different kid.  I worked with Buddy on picking up his things and she did an amazing job of picking up all her things.  Something we worked on for 2 hours with not enough progress to speak of was done in less than half an hour.  And a very frustrated Mom was much more calm and relaxed!

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