
Welcome to Truck Driving at a Family Level.  A blog that breaks away from the norm of the trucking world and shares the joys, frustrations, success and mistakes of one family in all aspects of the truck driving life as a family. Our goal is to help other families like our own out there that are and have struggled to save time and money and spend their time focusing on their families. We want this blog to become a place for others like us to come and gather advice and support from others that have chosen this path.

Your Road Map to the Site:
Truck Driving at a Family Level is made up of four smaller blogs, which we view as one.
  • Truck Driving at a Family Level - The main blog focuses on how we make our marriage work, raising our kids, projects for the kids, diy projects and the occasional great deal.
  • The Colonel's Corner - is the trucker portion of the blog.  The Colonel shares advice, lessons learned, as well as the joys and frustrations of trucking.
  • Our Journey to Debt Free Living - is exactly that.  We share what we've learned, our successes and struggles as we try to decrease our debt.
  • The Road to Cleaner Eating - We review recipes we've found and share what we are learning to help our trucker and family have a healthier lifestyle.
Because of our set-up you can follow just one aspect of our blog or all four.  Each one has place to subscribe by e-mail.

About Us:
       A Little About the Colonel
       A Little About Rose

You Can Follow Us On:
     Google +

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