Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Little About the Colonel

Well I guess it's time I give you guys a little insight as to who the Colonel is since I seem to have all these great and wonderful opinions. Well I'm actually a trainer for one of the top start companies out there. As far as which one it is, that is of  no great concern. I spend my days on the road teaching fresh drivers right out of school the things they need to know in order to work for the the big companies. My job is to teach beginner drivers what this job is all about.  My wife and I started blogging as away to help potential and hopefully continuing drivers and their families along their journeys. When I started years ago there was not a lot of help for someone just getting into this.  It was a solo journey with just my wife and our one child.  We were on our own in a very fast paced and very stressful job.  We had to beat the odds as statistically trucking has a very high divorce rate.  Being gone out on the road all the time does not help anyone's moral, so trying to keep the home fires burning day in and day out can take its toll.   Trying to pay the bills from out on the road, chasing after freight to make the paychecks that keep things rolling - that's life for us as drivers. The home front does not always understand so you have to help them understand.  It takes time but eventually they learn what it takes for me to keep things going.   All of you truckers out there with families or in relationships will understand.   As a driver you are never truly alone.  Family is everywhere, just not like you might think.  All drivers are part of the same unsaid family, some more then others some days.  We are all in this together.    Family is what will keep you moving along while you are out here, whether its for the hope of one or the family you leave behind.  For me, it's the one I leave behind every time I take that door.  My wife and kids mean the world to me and I will do what it takes to provide for them.   I work hard and am constantly learning to be the best at what I do. At the end of the day my family is what matters most to me. My wife might beg to differ because I put most of my energy into making sure new drivers stay safe on the road and make it  home when home time rolls around.  I do this to help make sure that my family and the families of the students are safe on the roads as well.

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