Thursday, August 29, 2013

Favorite Pin of the Week

Since we have been talking about organization in Our Journey to Debt Free Living, I thought it would be appropriate to share one of my favorite organization pins.  Check it out here.  I am actually using this idea to make my own organizers for my pantry.  An area that is in desperate need of reorganization.
Knowing exactly what I have will also really help our grocery bill.  Here is a picture of the one that I have finished so far.  I find that these organizers work best with the smaller cans, although they work ok with the bigger cans if you don't want as many in your stockpile.  They hold about 7 of the spaghetti-o cans.   I used the save $5 off of a Scotch Expressions Tape purchase of $10 or more at to buy the duct tape. 

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