Monday, October 21, 2013

We are back!

We seem to be getting back into the swing of things.  At least where we should be able to make a few posts a week.  Probably won't be completely back to the full swing of things, but we are getting there.  Princess is doing great!  Surprisingly Buddy is having the harder time adjusting to having her home again.  He is happy she is back, but does not like having to share again. Rose is going in for some allergy testing this week, which means no medications this week.  Thus the reason we aren't quite fully up and running again.  Not being able to take the allergy meds often leaves Rose feeling very tired and drained.  All the tests have are outdated and have to be redone before a plan can be made to hopefully make the allergies more manageable.  So this week is literally a necessary evil.  On the upside there are a lot of fun things that have gone on and will be going on that we can't wait to share.  We celebrated our anniversary and another birthday.  We went apple picking and the kitchen has been full of wonderful smells as Rose cooks and cans up all those fresh apples.  The kids have been doing lots of fun fall and Halloween related activities.  And finally, Rose has found another way to save us about another $100 a year. 

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